As part of the group of companies under UOL, we are committed to driving sustainable growth for all stakeholders. This...
The Enabling Masterplan 2030 outlines a vision to create a more caring and inclusive Singapore, and as a responsible...
Migrant workers play an important role in our real estate operations, and we seek to deepen our efforts to build...
For our second annual SingLand Volunteers, we partnered with the Central Singapore Community Development Council for...
Our achievements as a homegrown Singapore company would not have been possible without the solid foundation laid by the...
At SingLand, we believe in building inclusive communities and recognise that we have a responsibility to help those who...
While drones are increasingly being used in the building and construction industry to perform tasks such as façade...
As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a l...
Imagine working in a foreign country and not knowing how to speak the language. Discomfort, confusion and intimidation...
It has been more than a year since migrant workers freely attended festivals, sports events and other similar social...